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| 20.11.2006 «Начало сезона «Фрирайд с гидами» в Приэльбрусье » slavik Сразу после закрытия «Лыжного салона» открыли сезон на Чегете и Эльбрусе.
Заранее купив билеты по распродаже Аэрофлота, я, конечно, не рассчитывал, что попаду на СНЕГ. Видимо, сказалось обильное употребление всевозможных напитков всеми гостями «фрирайд зоны» на Лыжном Салоне и после на автопати в в клубе «Точка отрыва» коктейля «Кровь Фрирайдера». Всем ещё раз спасибо за поддержку, участие и добрые слова в проведённых мероприятиях. Надеюсь, организаторы Салона в следующем году дадут площадку для нас всех, ведь эта «зона» действительно свободная, она открыта для всех - и для посетителей, и для участников, причём абсолютно безвозмездно.
И всё-таки о катании и снеге – как всегда неожиданный снегопад застал дорожные службы ущелья врасплох. Снег был уже от Тырныауза, а дорога не была расчищена и образовавшийся гололёд привёл к многочисленным авариям, местные водители сказали, что за день их было 11 на 40км от Тырныауза до Терскола. В посёлке лежало 30 см свежего снега, а на горе был почти метр. Завтрашний день ожидался «сладким». Делаю смс-рассылку, что снег есть - может кто приедет катнуть вместе.
Утро, солнце, выходной, в 9-00 спящие канатчики, а уже томиться очередь из многочисленных бордеров и лыжников, в основном с ближайших городов Северного Кавказа, - ждут, когда же пустят расписывать нетронутые склоны. Но наши местные люди живут по принципу «кто понял жизнь, тот не торопится». А что торопиться, туристы подождут, как и горы Приэльбрусья, которым по снежным условиям нет альтернативы не только на нашей родине, но и Европе. Где ещё вы в начале ноября можете иметь устойчивый снежный покров с перепадом более 1 км и это при неразвитости канатных дорог!!!!
Появляется одинокий канатчик и вдвоём идём запускать однокресельную «старушку»- первую в СССР пассажирскую кресельную канатную дорогу, построенную в далёкие 70ые годы прошлого века. Так и оказываемся мы в прошлом «каменном» веке, так и осталась курортная индустрия в зачаточном состоянии, кроме не больше десятка более-менее цивилизованных частных мини-отельчиков и кафе, построенных в последние 5 лет.
Спускаюсь первым до низу, прямо под канаткой - снег супер. Лёгкий паудер, неглубокий, до камней не добиваю, подложка от первого снегопада держит. Подъезжаю к парнокресельной, уже запустили, и сразу встречаю знакомые лица из Самары.
Старый знакомый Дима, который года четыре назад катался со мной по программе «фрирайд с гидами», и его юный друг Артемий –ньюскулер, который первый раз в горах, составляют мою группу.
Поднимаемся к верхней очереди – стоит. Канатчики «колдуют» над электроникой, она замёрзла, накануне не оставили включенным обогреватель и она, видимо, «схватив холодную ночевку, забастовала». Ждём более получаса и решаем ехать вниз, пока думали, все ближайшие трассы раскатали, находим участки нетронутого снега и делаем несколько спусков. Большую скорость не позволяем себе- под снегом полно чуть припорошенных каменных гряд. Артемий- «парковый чел», первый раз на целине, часто падает, зарываясь в целине. Даю несколько советов по технике, и он быстро осваивается.
Открывают верх, снег плотнее, наверху дует. Докатываем целину под канаткой и на ближних северах до «Ая»- снег мягкий, комфортной глубины – то, что надо, проваливаемся не глубоко, хоть лыжи взял не широкие - Sweet Daddy– «каменный вариант» из прошлогодней коллекции Атомика, «убивать» не жалко . Талия 80мм, по нынешним временам вообще «спички», но держат – «всё-таки главное не талия, а кто технически ей владеет».
Едем на юга, там намного жестче, уходим в мульды на дальние юга с возвратом к 9-ой доске. Они заполнены передутым более мягким снегом, в некоторых местах снега почти нет, из мульды в мульду переходим по облепленной снегом траве. В речку спускаться рано- маловато ещё снега. Заключительный спуск дня в «северный цирк»- через ретранслятор по «доллару» - фатастика!!!, которая правда оканчивается ездой по кустам.
И так почти всю неделю, кроме одного дня, когда задул сильный ветер, который даже в «цирке» сформировал корку, но ночной мини-снегопад спас положение.
Прокатали всё, что доступно с недолгими выходами, так как для нижних частей спусков с каменно-валуной подложкой ещё мало снега (но сейчас, после ещё одного снегопада, уже более комфортно).
Что нового? Для курорта положительного почти ничего- т.к . даже если достроят канатку, то запустят её для отчётности перед начальством и для информационной шумихе и популизма чиновников. А в эксплуатацию вводить её ещё не один месяц. Да ещё, как всегда, неожиданно рано зима настала. Больше поразило перерытая траншеями и торчащими трубами трасса Старый Кругозор – Мир, это - будущая система оснеженния, уверен - весь сезон будут об неё спотыкаться, получая за свой же счёт травмы. Полное безобразие за бюджетные деньги.
Частники попытаются запустить два бугеля, один от ст.С.Кругозор вверх по гряде метров 200 полого склон для обучения и второй - на южной склоне г.Терсколак, что напротив турбазы «Терскол» - длиной метров 400, до края леса, но там без снежных пушек снега мало и катания не будет. Новых частных отелей может запустят пару штук, а так в основном всё по прежнему, только кафе «пирожки» преобразилось в красивый сруб - прогресс на лицо, но тёплых туалетов на горе нам видать до следующих веков точно…. А в остальном почти всё по старому- цены на всё пока прошлогодние, сервис и отношение такое же и, к счастью, горы все так же величественно стоят - «Эльбрус - красавец, светит над нами, налюбоваться не могу……..»
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Re: Начало сезона «Фрирайд с гидами» в Приэльбрусье |
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Re: Начало сезона «Фрирайд с гидами» в Приэльбрусье |
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Re: Начало сезона «Фрирайд с гидами» в Приэльбрусье |
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Re: Начало сезона «Фрирайд с гидами» в Приэльбрусье |
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Re: Начало сезона «Фрирайд с гидами» в Приэльбрусье |
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» 30.5.15 03:12 |
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Re: Начало сезона «Фрирайд с гидами» в Приэльбрусье |
Регистрация: 8.6.2015
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Beside hollister it he wrote "distracted."</P> <P></P> <P>Jonas, nearing his home now, smiled at the recollection. air max Thinking, still, as he wheeled his bike into its narrow port beside the door, he realized that frightened burberry pas cher was the wrong word to describe his feelings, now that December was almost ray ban pas cher here. It was too strong an adjective.</P> <P></P> <P>He had waited a long time for this special December. Now that it was almost upon him, he wasn't frightened, but he was ... eager, he decided. He was eager for it to come. And he was excited, certainly. All of the Elevens were excited about the event that would be coming oakley pas cher so replica watches soon.</P> <P></P> <P>But there was a louis vuitton outlet little shudder of nervousness when he thought about it, about what might happen.</P> <P></P> <P>Apprehensive, Jonas michael kors outlet store decided. That's what I am.</P> <P></P> <P>"Who wants to be the first tonight, for feelings?" Jonas's father asked, at the conclusion of their evening meal.</P> <P></P> <P>It was one of the rituals, the evening telling of feelings.</P> <P></P> <P>Sometimes Jonas and his sister, Lily, argued over turns, over who would get to go first. Their parents, ray ban sunglasses of course, were part christian louboutin outlet of the ritual; they, too, abercrombie and fitch told their feelings each evening. But like all parents — all adults — they didn't fight and wheedle for their turn.</P> <P></P> <P>Nor did Jonas, tonight. His feelings were too complicated this red bottom shoes evening. He wanted to share them, but he wasn't eager to begin the process of sifting through his own complicated emotions, even with the help that hollister he knew his parents could give.</P> <P></P> <P>"You go, Lily," he said, seeing his sister, who was much younger — only a Seven — wiggling with impatience in her nike air max chair.</P> <P></P> <P>"I felt very angry this afternoon," Lily announced. "My Childcare group was at the play area, and we had a ray ban outlet visiting group of Sevens, and they didn't obey the rules at all. One of them — a male; I don't know christian louboutin his name — kept going right to the front of the line for the slide, even though the rest of us were all waiting. I felt so angry at him. I made my vans outlet hand into a fist, like this." She held up guess pas cher a clenched fist and the rest louis vuitton of the family smiled at her small defiant gesture.</P> <P></P> <P>"Why do you think the visitors didn't obey the rules?" Mother longchamp pas cher asked.</P> <P></P> <P>Lily considered, and shook coach outlet her head. "I don't sac michael kors know. They acted chaussure louboutin like...like..."</P> <P></P> <P>"Animals?" Jonas suggested. He laughed.</P> <P></P> <P>"That's longchamp handbags right," Lily said, laughing too. "Like animals." Neither child knew what the word louis vuitton meant, exactly, but it was often scarpe hogan used to describe someone uneducated or clumsy, someone who didn't fit in.</P> <P></P> <P>"Where were the visitors from?" Father asked.</P> <P></P> <P>Lily nike air force frowned, trying to remember. "Our leader told us, lacoste pas cher when he made the welcome converse pas cher speech, but I can't remember. I guess I wasn't paying attention. It was coach outlet from another community. They had to leave very early, and they had longchamp outlet their midday meal on the bus."</P> <P></P> <P>Mother nodded. "Do you think it's possible that their rules may be different? And so they simply didn't know what your play area rules were?"</P> <P></P> <P>Lily shrugged, and nodded. "I suppose."</P> <P></P> <P>"You've visited other communities, haven't you?" Jonas asked. "My group has, often."</P> <P></P> <P>Lily nodded again. "When we were Sixes, we went true religion jeans and shared a whole school day with a group of Sixes in their sac vanessa bruno community."</P> <P></P> <P>"How did you feel when you were there?"</P> <P></P> <P>Lily frowned. "I felt strange. Because their methods were different. They were sac louis vuitton learning usages that my group hadn't learned mulberry uk yet, so we ralph lauren pas cher felt stupid."</P> <P></P> <P>Father was listening with interest. "I'm thinking, Lily," he said, "about the boy who didn't obey the rules longchamp today. Do you think it's possible that burberry outlet online he felt strange and stupid, ray ban uk being in a new place with rules that he michael kors outlet online didn't nike free pas cher know about?"</P> <P></P> <P>Lily pondered that. "Yes," she said, finally.</P> <P></P> <P>"I feel a little sorry for him," Jonas said, "even though I don't even know him. I feel sorry for anyone who is in a place where he feels strange and stupid."</P> <P></P> <P>"How do you feel now, tn pas cher Lily?" Father nike air max asked. "Still angry?"</P> <P></P> <P>"I guess not," Lily decided. "I guess I feel a little sorry for him. And sorry I made a fist." She grinned.</P> <P></P> <P>Jonas smiled back at his sister. Lily's feelings were always straightforward, fairly simple, usually easy to resolve. He guessed that his own had been, too, when he was a Seven.</P> <P></P> <P>He listened politely, though true religion outlet not very attentively, nike outlet while his father took his turn, describing a feeling of worry that he'd had that day at work: a concern about one of the new children who wasn't doing well. Jonas's father's title was Nurturer. He and the coach purses other Nurturers were responsible for north face pas cher all the physical and emotional needs of every new child during its earliest life. It was a very important job, Jonas knew, but it wasn't one that chanel handbags interested him much.</P> <P></P> <P>"What gender is it?" Lily asked.</P> <P></P> <P>"Male," Father said. "He's a sweet little male with a lovely disposition. But he isn't growing as fast as he should, and he doesn't sleep soundly. We have him in the extra care section christian louboutin shoes for supplementary nurturing, but the committee's beginning to talk about releasing him."</P> <P></P> <P>"Oh, no," Mother murmured sympathetically. "I know how sad that must make you feel."</P> <P></P> <P>Jonas and Lily both nodded nike roshe sympathetically as well. Release of new children was always sad, because they hadn't had a chance to enjoy life within the community yet. And they hadn't done anything louis vuitton uk wrong.</P> <P></P> <P>There were only two occasions of release which were not punishment. Release of the elderly, which was a time longchamp outlet online of celebration for a life well and fully lived; and release of a new child which always brought a sense of what-could-we-have-done. louis vuitton handbags This was especially troubling cheap oakley sunglasses for the Nurturers, like Father, who felt they had failed somehow. But it happened very rarely.</P> <P></P> <P>"Well," Father said, "I'm going to keep trying. I may ask the committee for permission to bring him louis vuitton pas cher here at night, if you nike free don't mind. You know what the night-crew Nurturers are like. I think this little guy needs something abercrombie and fitch extra."</P> <P></P> <P>"Of course," Mother said, and Jonas and Lily nodded. nike roshe They had heard Father complain about the night crew before. It was a lesser job, night-crew nurturing, assigned to those who lacked the interest or skills or insight for the more vital jobs of nike air max the daytime hours. 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Today a prada handbags repeat offender had been brought before her, longchamp someone who had broken the rules before. Someone who she hoped had been adequately and fairly punished, nike free and who had been restored to jordan shoes his place: to his job, his home, his family unit. To see him brought before her hollister a second time caused her overwhelming feelings of frustration and anger. And even guilt, that she hadn't made a difference in his life.</P> <P></P> <P>"I feel frightened, too, for him," she confessed. timberland "You know that nike air max there's no third chance. The louis vuitton outlet online rules say that if there's a third transgression, he simply has to be released." Jonas shivered. He knew it happened. polo ralph lauren outlet There was even a boy in his group of Elevens whose father had been released years before. kate spade outlet online No one ever mentioned it; the disgrace was nike huarache unspeakable. It was tiffany jewelry hard to imagine.</P> <P></P> <P>Lily stood up and went to her mother. She stroked her mother's arm.</P> <P></P> <P>From his place at the table, Father reached over and took her hand. Jonas reached for the other.</P> <P></P> <P>One by one, they comforted her. Soon she smiled, thanked them, and murmured that she felt soothed.</P> <P></P> <P>The ritual continued. "Jonas?" Father asked. "You're true religion outlet last, tonight."</P> <P></P> <P>Jonas sighed. This evening he almost would have preferred to keep michael kors handbags his feelings oakley vault hidden. But it was, of course, against the rules.</P> <P></P> <P>"I'm feeling apprehensive," he confessed, glad that the appropriate descriptive word had finally come to him.</P> <P></P> <P>"Why is that, son?" His father looked concerned.</P> <P></P> <P>"I know there's really nothing to worry about," Jonas explained, "and that north face every adult has been through it. I know you have, Father, and you too, Mother. But it's the Ceremony that I'm apprehensive about. It's almost December."</P> <P></P> <P>Lily looked up, her eyes wide. "The Ceremony of Twelve," she whispered in an awed voice. Even the michael kors outlet online smallest children — Lily's age and younger — knew that it lay in the tiffany and co jewelry future for each kate spade outlet of them.</P> <P></P> <P>"I'm glad you told us of your feelings," Father said.</P> <P></P> <P>"Lily," Mother said, beckoning to the little girl, "go on louis vuitton outlet now and get into your nightclothes. Father and I are going gucci handbags to stay here and talk to Jonas vans pas cher for a while."</P> <P></P> <P>Lily sighed, but obediently she got down from her chair. "Privately?" she asked.</P> <P></P> <P>Mother nodded. new balance pas cher "Yes," she said, "this talk will be a private michael kors canada one with Jonas."</P> |
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Re: Начало сезона «Фрирайд с гидами» в Приэльбрусье |
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Re: Начало сезона «Фрирайд с гидами» в Приэльбрусье |
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Re: Начало сезона «Фрирайд с гидами» в Приэльбрусье |
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Re: Начало сезона «Фрирайд с гидами» в Приэльбрусье |
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Регистрация: 14.8.2015
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Регистрация: 14.8.2015
Сообщений: 378
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